MAR.220-Estimating the Market Potential of Food Waste Generation Using GIS-AC22.USCC

Solid waste facilities are coming under pressure to adapt to organics legislation seeking to divert organics (predominantly food waste) from the municipal solid waste stream.  Food waste recycling can create economic benefits in addition to environmental ones. Most organics legislation puts the burden for source separation and organics diversion on the food waste generator. Tetra… Continue reading MAR.220-Estimating the Market Potential of Food Waste Generation Using GIS-AC22.USCC

MAR.211-Marketing Municipal Compost: Q&A with a Panel of Practitioners-AC20.USCC

Marketing your finished compost and compost-based products can provide significant income, often making the difference between net profit and loss.But for municipal governments and agencies, who are service-driven and not for-profit, even the act of selling compost can be controversial.Fear of accusations of unfair competition with the private sector is an issue.Just managing the bureaucracy… Continue reading MAR.211-Marketing Municipal Compost: Q&A with a Panel of Practitioners-AC20.USCC

BUS.113-Providing Operational Guidance for Municipalities adding Food Scraps to a Yard Debris Composting Program-AC20.USCC

This video discusses how municipalities can incorporate food waste in their yard waste composting facilities, giving information on the things that must be considered before making a decision. Speakers: Coryanne Mansell, Nora Goldstein Duration: 17 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now

BUS.222-Positioning your business for success with municipalities-AC21.USCC

Local governments will play a major role in setting standards for organics recycling for years to come. Composters can quickly implement simple programs to kick-start municipal food scrap collection programs, then leverage this foothold to make sure composting and soil health are at the forefront of organics recycling plans. Speakers: Ben Parry Duration: 13 minutes… Continue reading BUS.222-Positioning your business for success with municipalities-AC21.USCC