Project Drawdown has done a pragmatic assessment of transformational changes that will be necessary to curtail global warming. When we analyze these projects, we find many of them can be clustered into a broader narrative of Organic Circularity. Researchers in Georgia have adopted the Project Drawdown methodology and created a hierarchy of initiatives to achieve… Continue reading VIS.211-Drawdown Georgia, A Case Study On Composting As A Mechanism to Address Global Warming-AC22.USCC
Tag: Technology
PRO.216-Mobile Technology for Data Monitoring Efficiency-AC20.USCC
This video discusses how and what types of mobile technology can be used to assist compost facilities in becoming more efficient. Speakers: Sashti Balasundaram Duration: 15 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
PRO.212-Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Curbside Waste Composting-AC22.USCC
San Antonio now has the first composting operation in the western hemisphere using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to remove contaminants prior to composting. In partnership with several companies, the patent-pending NOCRAP (Non-Organics Contamination Removal Automation Process) was installed in Spring 2020 and uses shredding and screening to increase the effectiveness of the picking. The AI robots… Continue reading PRO.212-Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Curbside Waste Composting-AC22.USCC
PRO.311-Enhancing Composting Quality with the Latest DNA Sequencing Breakthroughs-AC22.USCC
Composting is a microbial process that converts organic waste materials into valuable organic matter rich in plant nutrients that is of great value to farmers and home gardeners. The methods used to produce compost have a strong influence on the compost’s microbial community during the process and this in turn determines the greenhouse gases released… Continue reading PRO.311-Enhancing Composting Quality with the Latest DNA Sequencing Breakthroughs-AC22.USCC
MAR.220-Estimating the Market Potential of Food Waste Generation Using GIS-AC22.USCC
Solid waste facilities are coming under pressure to adapt to organics legislation seeking to divert organics (predominantly food waste) from the municipal solid waste stream. Food waste recycling can create economic benefits in addition to environmental ones. Most organics legislation puts the burden for source separation and organics diversion on the food waste generator. Tetra… Continue reading MAR.220-Estimating the Market Potential of Food Waste Generation Using GIS-AC22.USCC
FEE.221-Technology-Led Techniques to Reduce Contamination in Organics Recycling-AC22.USCC
There are few things more frustrating to an organics recycling professional than contamination. In the case of organics, there is no “silver bullet” for addressing the challenges posed by materials that contaminate the source-separated waste stream. In this session, Rubicon’s Director of Circular Economy Solutions, Ryan Cooper, will discuss, alongside panelists from Atlas Organics and… Continue reading FEE.221-Technology-Led Techniques to Reduce Contamination in Organics Recycling-AC22.USCC
FEE.217-Contamination removal from Compost-AC21.USCC
Contamination removal is not just one step or one machine that will solve the problem. Speakers: Todd Dunderdale Duration: 14 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
FAC.222-Addressing Odors Using Intelligent Emissions Monitoring-AC22.USCC
Odor concerns continue to challenge the composting industry, with complaints from neighbouring communities being frequent while solutions are few. This study presents a novel solution to address odors from composting facilities using continuous, intelligent emissions monitoring of problematic compounds. The system uses one high-end instrument to measure concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H_2S) in air samples… Continue reading FAC.222-Addressing Odors Using Intelligent Emissions Monitoring-AC22.USCC
FAC.218-Hybrid Approach to Composting-AC22.USCC
The presentation covers a design and operational approach for compost facilities that accept food and yard waste. Technologies to be covered include aerated static pile (ASP) systems; equipment to mix feedstocks; compost turners; dump trucks and conveyors for material handling; and, star and trommel screens. An ASP system can be combined with open windrow technology… Continue reading FAC.218-Hybrid Approach to Composting-AC22.USCC
DIV.218-Research Trends in Community Composting & Technology-AC22.USCC
Qualitative research using an innovative platform to crowdsource insights on community composting was conducted. Real-time data was collected in a structured collaborative format enabling contributors to connect and react to information and add deeper meaning to the conversation. Our report contains careful examination of these conversations allowing the compost sector to understand current community composting… Continue reading DIV.218-Research Trends in Community Composting & Technology-AC22.USCC