FEE.221-Technology-Led Techniques to Reduce Contamination in Organics Recycling-AC22.USCC

There are few things more frustrating to an organics recycling professional than contamination. In the case of organics, there is no “silver bullet” for addressing the challenges posed by materials that contaminate the source-separated waste stream. In this session, Rubicon’s Director of Circular Economy Solutions, Ryan Cooper, will discuss, alongside panelists from Atlas Organics and the City of San Antonio, how recent improvements in technology have reduced organics contamination in Texas’s second-largest city. The panel will also examine key examples of contamination reduction techniques at quick service restaurants (QSRs) and other businesses, the design changes that are improving the depackaging and contaminant removal process, and the importance of cultural change and training in preventing contamination at the source.
Speakers: Ryan Cooper
Duration: 18 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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