The Construction Industry is highly regulated and soil specifications are becoming more specific with every project. With increased demand comes the increased opportunity for Compost Manufactures to capitalize on these trends. While all Compost Manufacturers possess the necessary ingredients to create the soil, the requisite knowledge remains the greatest barrier to entry. Ascertaining the knowledge… Continue reading USE.222-Blending Compost for Various Applications-AC22.USCC
Tag: Specifications
MAR.113-Compost Specifications and Return on Investment-AC22.CREF
The composting industry can benefit from further documenting compost application instructions and benefits of end use, as well as quantifying and monetizing their benefits whenever possible. Good data exists which quantifies soil and plant improvement through compost usage in many applications, but actually monetizing the benefits is much more difficult. Understanding this, the CREF… Continue reading MAR.113-Compost Specifications and Return on Investment-AC22.CREF