The composting industry can benefit from further documenting compost application instructions and benefits of end use, as well as quantifying and monetizing their benefits whenever possible. Good data exists which quantifies soil and plant improvement through compost usage in many applications, but actually monetizing the benefits is much more difficult. Understanding this, the CREF has begun the development of the “Compost Application ROI Library” which is to be comprised of concise compost product application data sheets that provide users (as well as product specifiers, soil/crop consultants) with application specifications and quantified benefits so they may better assess the value of compost application. The paper will outline the deliverables of the project, review the tools that were developed, and explain how to use them expand compost sales.
Speakers: Ronald Alexander
Duration: 22 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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MAR.113-Compost Specifications and Return on Investment-AC22.CREF