The NJ Composting Council in the last 3 years has gone from formation to influencing policy by building a coalition that includes composting industry members, like minded non-profits, academics, current and former regulators, and even groups who some might find odd partners. This coalition included both grassroots organizations and small companies as well as the biggest composters in the country so those sitting at the table with us know we have the interest of climate change, sustainability, and economics. While putting it together was not easy, it has built our credibility and image quickly allowing us to influence policy on food waste diversion bills, compostable products and regulations. A strong educational program has been the foundation for building this coalition alongside an understanding of the issues faced by composters generally but by your state in particular.
Speakers: Isaac Bearg
Duration: 12 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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POL.110-Compost Advocacy and Coalition Building-AC22.USCC