Although interest in organically managing turfgrass has grown, research regarding the benefits of compost tea application on turfgrass is relatively recent and limited. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of compost tea applications on overall turf quality and soil microbial activity. Evaluations of turfgrass were based on The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program’s guidelines and included color, turf density, overall density, percent living, and texture. Soil samples were analyzed for chemical attributes and microbial activity. The four sites of this study included: 1) soil drench compost tea application and irrigation, 2) soil drench compost tea application and no irrigation), 3) no compost tea application and irrigation, and 4) no compost tea application and no irrigation. Fifteen soil samples and turf quality observations were collected for pretest data. Then, post-test data were collected after each additional seasonal test period over the course of one year for each of the four locations. Of the four locations, the site which received compost tea applications and regular irrigation received statistically significantly higher turf quality ratings, and compost tea improved turf quality ratings beyond that of regular irrigation. Microbial populations appeared to be highest in soil samples of irrigated-compost tea treatment areas compared to control (non-treated) and non-irrigated areas. Microbial populations also increased in treated non-irrigated areas. Overall, the study results provide evidence of the value of compost tea to overall turf quality and beneficial soil microbial populations.
Speakers: Nicole Wagner
Duration: 18 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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