This research addresses the challenge of biodegradable plastics labeled as “compostable” not adequately degrading in composting facilities. The lack of quantitative guidance prompted the study to correlate compost process conditions with the biodegradation rates of certified compostable bioplastics, focusing on common Polylactic acid (PLA) serviceware and bags. Bench-top reactors were used to control parameters such as retention time, temperature, moisture content, and air flow rate, with substrate mixes of green waste, food waste, and ground wood. Results offer guidance for optimizing compost processing to manage PLA materials effectively and suggest improvements for PLA manufacturers to facilitate compost operations.
Speakers: Tim O’Neill
Duration: 30 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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PRO.313-Optimizing Compost Process Conditions to Accelerate Bioplastic Degradation-AC24.CREF