A study initiated in January 2023 assessed the temperature stability of compost during two-day shipping, aiming to reduce shipping costs. The study evaluated two types of transport coolers, varying quantities of Ice Brix, and different external temperature regimes. Results indicated that a 1:1 ratio of Ice Brix to compost with 40% placed at the bottom and 60% on top, along with transport coolers with 2” side walls, effectively maintained compost shipping temperatures below 7°C for up to 50 hours. Additionally, the Compost Analysis Proficiency Program (CAPP) within the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance Program was discussed, which involves blind compost sample analysis by participating laboratories, with reports generated for statistical analysis by Dr. Robert Miller, the Program Director.
Speakers: Robert Miller
Duration: 26 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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PRO.229-Compost Sample Temp Study & CAP Update-AC24.USCC