Kristine Ellsworth will present current initiatives led by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to support New York’s composting industry. Key highlights include the implementation of the NYS Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling law, which mandates businesses generating significant food waste to donate edible excess and recycle remaining scraps. The DEC also collaborates with the Center for EcoTechnology to manage the Rethink Food Waste NY program, providing technical assistance to food-related businesses and composting facilities. Additionally, efforts to address PFAS contamination in biosolids through Draft Division of Materials Management Program Policy 7 (DMM7) are outlined, along with initiatives to promote composting of cannabis-related materials.
Speakers: Kristine Ellsworth
Duration: 26 minutes
Credits: 0.5
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $52.50
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POL.234-Growing the Composting Industry in New York State-AC24.USCC