Compost University™ Faculty

Md Mahfuz Islam
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC | mislam25@ncsu.edu
I joined North Carolina State University as a Ph.D. student in the Spring-2021 Semester. I completed my BS in Soil, Water and Environment and MS in Environmental Science from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. My current research focuses on managing compacted construction sites and roadside soils to improve stormwater infiltration primarily through the incorporation of composts. In addition, different types of vegetation cover establishment, especially pollinator-friendly wildflowers as an alternative to grass cover in roadside soils is a part of my research works. I am using Drone for vegetation cover monitoring and analyzing images using ArcGIS and data in R software. Previously, I presented my research works at International Erosion Control Association Annual Conference 2022 and MS4 Conference 2022. My goal is to join industry after graduation and excel in my career there.