Compost University™ Faculty

Gregory Evanylo
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA | gevanylo@vt.edu
Greg Evanylo is a Professor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech. His degrees are from the University of Connecticut (Biology, 1975), University of Massachusetts (Plant and Soil Sciences, 1978), and University of Georgia (Agronomy, 1982). Greg’s research has addressed the effects of byproduct carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals on plant, soil, water, and air quality, and crop stress amelioration. His extension programming has provided knowledge on the risks and benefits associated with land application of municipal, industrial, and agricultural residuals and compost operators’ training. He is a member of the Soil Science Society of America, the American Society of Agronomy, the U.S. Composting Council, and the Water Environment Federation.