Geoffrey Starin

Compost University™ Faculty

Geoffrey Starin

Strata Sustainability

Seattle, WA |

Geoffrey Starin is Co-Founder and Chief Programs Officer for Strata Sustainability. In his working life, he has never had a job outside of the solid waste and environmental sector. With his partner Tim Hodge, Geoffrey Co-Founded Strata to bring innovative and sustainable solid waste management infrastructure to emerging markets in the LAC region. Together they have remediated multiple open dumpsites and implemented diversion and modern, ISO-certified best management practices. Strata is currently managing the New Providence Ecology Park – a redevelopment of The Bahamas’ largest landfill, transforming it from a burning dumpsite to a modern “ecology park” with large-scale diversion via new recycling and composting facilities. Geoffrey’s areas of focus are programmatic management, organics/composting, logistics and environmental compliance. He brings 25 years of hands-on experience to bear on both day-to-day operational challenges and overarching system design. Geoffrey is a Certified Composting Professional via The United States Composting Council.