Compost University™ Faculty

Carissa Moyna
Iowa State University Student
Ames, IA | carissamoyna@gmail.com
Carissa Moyna is a senior in Civil Engineering with a minor in Sustainability at Iowa State University. She is passionate about composting and advocating for sustainable design and construction in the building industry. Carissa started the Compost Team with Engineers for a Sustainable World and currently serves as the club’s president. She was a part of the Green Energy Challenge Team which involves writing a technical proposal for renovating a community building to attain net-zero energy consumption. Carissa also was a 2019 recipient of the Udall Environmental Scholarship which is awarded to 35 college students throughout the US. Outside of extracurriculars at Iowa State, Carissa enjoys being out in nature and helping her friends and family start their own custom-designed compost systems.