Compost University™ Faculty
Burton Ewert
City of San Diego, Environmental Services Department, Miramar Greenery
San Diego, CA | bewert@sandiego.gov
Burton Ewert is a Biologist, BS 1996 San Diego State University, with the City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department. His continuing education includes a broad array of topics, from gnat catcher and fairy shrimp identification and survey techniques, to Manager of Landfill Operation certification. He specializes in habitat restoration, with experience in extreme disturbance restoration, including establishing native vegetation and occupied habitat on “yellow fill” soils, experimentation with soil amendments, microsite modification, and control burn techniques. He has extensive experience in plant propagation, such as greenhouse design, construction, and use, and various planting methods, ranging from container plantings, to broadcast, to hydroseed. His strong interest in soil microorganisms enhances his current duties managing the composting operation at the Miramar Greenery, which has undergone recent modifications to include two multimillion dollar “aerated static pile” systems.